Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Actually An Image Macro, But Who’s Counting?

dick picsGoddammit, stop it with the memes.

But they’re so DANK.

Not really.

Well, it’s true.

Mostly, yeah.

Women don’t seem to want them.

Across the board: straight or gay.

I would think a gay woman would just be confused if you sent her a dick pic.


You should totally send dick pics to gay dudes, though.

It’s a requirement for some.



  1. maggiemay

    don’t send nudes. send memes. memes r the fastest way to a trash can’s heart

  2. spencer

  3. Robin Russell

    What is wrong with Dick’s Pick #36? In fact, there are several others I would choose over DP#25 as well.

    I believe it is pronounced Ver-sar-chee.

    • maggiemay

      Oh goodness me, I meant to spell it that way. I blanked for a moment on phonetics. “Ver-sa-chee”

      • thoughtsonthedead


      • maggiemay

        No way. Are you sure? Everyone around here says Ver-sa-chee. I always thought it was Versayse though.

      • maggiemay

        I SHALL WATCH IT SOMETIME I don’t really like movies but ILL TAKE YOUR WORD 4 IT

  4. thoughtsonthedead

    Showgirls is AWESONE

  5. Morning Deuce

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