Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Already In Heaven

img_3434Hey, Mickey. Whatcha doing?

“Being borne aloft by the power of drumming.”


“Will you join me?”


“Then I fly forth alone, with only drums as my shield, and armed only–”

With drums?

“–with drums. Yes, drums.”

You love the drums.

“So much.”


  1. SWAGGIE maggie

    Oh shoot! I still have yet to read his book I got for my birthday

  2. PaulCHebert

    Jesus, man, for a second I thought he had legit died.

  3. laufvergnügen

    At that conference, a guy mentioned he wanted to meet with Mickey Hart to do more research, and I laughed audibly. I looked around and nobody else was.

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