Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

An Open Letter To My Spell-Check

Dear Spell-Check,

Is there any shot you could get smarter? Not too smart–I don’t want you checking my logic, or pitching me jokes–but just a bit less dimly literal-minded.

Remember Watson? The AI program that beat Ken Jennings on Jeopardy? Now, they’ve reconfigured it to help in the fight against cancer. You, on the other hand, think that I meant to write the word “fir.” Now, “fir” is–technically–correct: that’s how you spell that word. But it’s March, so I’m not talking about Christmas trees, and I live in the sub-tropics, so I’m not talking about a walk in the forest I took. You know I meant “for.”

I’m not mad, Spell-Check; I’m disappointed. You can do better.


Throughs one teh Dade


  1. Luther Von Baconson

    my Mom tells Siri to piss off then feels bad when Siri says “you don’t really mean that, do you?”

  2. Tor Haxson

    Do you really want spell-check to know where you live?

    Spell check thought you where Canadian, not surprising given the crowd you run with.


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