Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Billy, Stoned

billy feet sitting high“Hey, Billy. Whatcha doing?”

No. I say that.

“Heh heh.”

Good day, buddy?

“Having fun. Tired. Got religion.”

What? That sounds bad.

“Nah, nah: good stuff all around. Ever hear about the Living Church?”

Not with capital letters, no.

“Back in the old days, when they would consecrate a new cathedral, penitents would be bricked up within the very walls. Little cells with tiny openings you could pass a tray of food in, a bucket of shit out. Never came out. In excelsis deo and all that shit.”

Is Benjy in that cairn?

“Please get me out of here.”


“Billy, I’m Jewish.”

“So was He! Know His love!”


  1. maggiemay

    This belongs in the Louvre

    • spencer

      You belong in the Juv(enile) detention centre

      • maggiemay

        You’re right. Can you give me some tips based on your experience there Spencer? 😉

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