Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Don’t Read Ahead!

I’m about to blow your minds, Enthusiasts. You need to put on your imagination pants for this one, because it’s a big ask. Ready? Here we go.

Imagine if Trump were handsome.

Told you it was a big ask.

Still, though: do it. Picture Donny with the same facial features, but arranged in a more propitious fashion. Picture him trim and with a human’s tan that came from being outside. Full head of hair.

Got it? Can you see him? Hold that image in your head and scroll down to see that if Trump were handsome, he’d be…



















…the shortest-lived James Bond, George Lazenby.


  1. Dawn


    • Thoughts On The Dead


  2. Djembefoola

    Ha-ha. I met Mr. Lazenby once, at a wedding party in Maine. Perfectly polite, and he didn’t kill anyone. That I know of…

    That being said, our president’s set of jaw seems slacker than the one shown this photo.

    • Thoughts On The Dead

      Ya gotta use yer danged imagination!

      It’s mostly the eyes and nose. They’re exactly the same.

  3. Spencer

    I used my imagination…… and my limited photo shop skills.

    • Thoughts On The Dead

      God, that man has vaginal eyes.

      • Spencer

        Is untannable a word?

        • Thoughts On The Dead

          If it’s spelled right and the reader understands the meaning, then it’s a word.

  4. Ray

    Aw man, but he made a great Bond (set the table for Craig’s correct reading of Bond as a thug/civil servant) and that lovely film is terribly underrated. Plus, Lady Diana Rigg, in her Carnaby Street prime….

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