Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To


boreal ridge stage construction
“We mint our own coin.

“Do you understand what that means? Reality is controlled via the franchise on violence. That franchise is secured by the creation of value. To create a new society using the money of the world you wish to leave behind is quixotic, at best.

“Our pennies are notes; our dollars, amplifiers; our rubber-banded rolls are the trucks that fly us through the night and up into the hills and mountains, far away from the women and children.

“We’ll bring our own women and children.

“Our freedom is purchased by the mile, and earned via each gas station hot dog. Our liberty exists for a few hours a day, for several days a week, for half the months of the year.

“That’s as free as we can afford to be; we mint our own coin, and the work is hard.”

That was a lovely speech, Precarious.

“Thank you.”

Is that guy wearing any safety equipment at all?

“I told him to be careful.”

Good enough.


    • mrcompletely

      Altitude record was broken 2 years later in Telluride FWIW, which is at least a thousand feet higher. It’s probably no coincidence Garcia played maybe his worst shows of that summer there, just as he was famously out of it at this gig. High elevation not the best for overweight diabetic smokers either before or after they get clean of hard drugs

      • mrcompletely

        …we all had a magnificent time at Telly and the scene was as good as it gets. Immaculate, really. There’s a long video about it on YT. Olatunji leading the drum parade through town the obvious highlight of that couple days…so I’m not complaining, it was idyllic. But the actual GD performances weren’t sharp at all.

      • spencer

        I always liked this pic, Is this from Telluride?

        • mrcompletely

          Yes. That was over the road coming into town. Very cool.

          There were rumors spread (I’ve since heard it was intentional on Bill Graham’s part) at Red Rocks that Telluride was “totally sold out” and there would be roadblocks on the way in and there was no way you should even think about going if you didn’t have tickets (I had one, my road partner did not). Nothing could be further than the truth, it was a disinformation prank to weed out the easily fooled.

          Note this was the time of the so-called “Harmonic Convergence” aka the Harmonica Virgins…if you remember all that stuff…led to a lot of additional Cozmik Debris in the atmosphere, so to speak

          here is that video. it’s a couple hours & still misses a thousand details but it does show that great banner and a lot of other atmosphere

      • Jerome Garcia

        Can you pls post yt link for vid? Having difficulty getting embedded vid to load.

      • Jerome Garcia

        Never mind. Hit the little doodad in the upper left hand corner & viola to the yt app. Chromecasting it as I type. Killer. Thanks as always MrC.

        • mrcompletely

          sure! YT embeds should always have that option to pop em open

      • spencer

  1. Jerome Garcia

    Thank you Mr TotD. When 1st laying eyes on that pic I knew it had to make its way to you. Hat tip to Portland’s crime fighting Tree Octupus for coordinating.

    • thoughtsonthedead

      Please, my father was Mr. TotD.

      • Jerome Garcia

        Peg your pardon

      • garretc

        I don’t know whether his pardon is into that sort of thing or not. Seems like a bold assumption to make.

  2. Jerome Garcia

    No idea Precarious Lee had such a way w/ words. Mind = blown. As I’ve heard you say before you learn something new everyday.

  3. duncan

    Notes from the archive on the “worst show evar”—

    “Well, I was at this show without any enhancements. I don’t know about the “worst” show because I haven’t been to all of them (yet!) but I do know what I experienced. It was at a ski lodge, as we know, and it was a beautiful day and we were really, really, really expecting a GREAT show because it was billed as the highest Dead show ever and we just knew it was going to be great. I remember having a lot of room to move around because of the gigantic ski slope we were on and the stage seemed to be awfully high up so you had to go up the hill to see straight at them and maybe that threw the sound off but I remember us looking at each other like what the hell is going on because after a while we had all caught on that something was not right. The sound, either from them or from the speakers, was not good at all. The music that came from the speakers was just not good. Me, the people I was with and people I didn’t know were just standing there making sure they weren’t the only one hearing this. It was undanceable and something was definitely off.

    In the show people were talking about how bad it was and what a bummer it was since the setting was spectacular. We drove home amazed that we had seen such a bad show. I think I actually billed it as the worst show and others followed suit.

    It might sound good now through the recording but I am here as a witness that it truly was a bad show.”


    “It was hot as shit. I remember the confusion just as you described it, muddled with general confusion of coming on too quickly to the mushrooms we all ate. The sound was total crap…disconnected…. There were stops and starts. Jerry was pissed. What song did they start twice? From my recollection, when they left for break they just never came back. Either that or the show was shortened because of how shitty it was. It wasn’t just the sound. They weren’t connecting musically. I also recall Jerry saying something like, “Fuck it, man.” and ending the show.”

  4. Surfbitch

    Sound got blown off the mountain side.
    I remember hiking up to the ridge to try to find it!
    Found stuff but not the music.
    After an unknown amount of time, I made my way down back to the crowd, just in time to hear Daytripper! I believe it was an encore.
    Anyway, it all made sense to me at that point.

    I don’t think I would risk detracting from my experience by listening to any recording of the show. Well, the Daytripper might be tempting.

    Poppy, didn’t we sleep in the middle of a dirt road in the forest that night??

    Ps. More pics if you have em! Please.

  5. Bonnie Lass of Fenario

    (scroll down to the comments)

    TitusGroan: “I remember the guy climbing the chairlift, the nude chick going for the stage, and Bobby’s drop kick.”

    Yes, apparently someone climbed up one of the ski lift towers and Phil maybe yelled at him. A nude woman apparently tried, and possibly succeeded, to climb on stage. Bobby kicked his amp so hard it almost fell over. And Jerry “looked pissed” the whole time.

    Interesting comments.

  6. Bonnie Lass of Fenario

    First thing I thought when I saw that photo was, “What on earth did they do to poor Wall?”

    • spencer

      Cal Expo 90, look in the rafters.

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