Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Hand Me My New Guitar
With or without the signatures, these are gorgeous guitars, but: if you win them, do you have to carry them around the entire show? They’ll hold them backstage, right? Or ship them to you next week?

Because otherwise, someone’s eye is getting put out.


  1. spencer

    Hornsby signs his name BR, Billy’s signature is surprisingly legible.

  2. FreedomHaul

    It technically wasn’t on the list of prohibited containers…

  3. Morning Douche

    Do you think they made Chimenti sign with a dry erase marker?

    Nice gitfiddles though.

  4. jaygerland

    Billy is the John Hancock of the Grateful Dead.

  5. Boogaloo

    I don’t know who they think they are
    Sharpie-ing up a perfectly good guitar

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