Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

It’s The Same Poster, The Crow Told Me

deadandco poster folsom

“We need a poster for the Colorado shows, and we’d like you to do it.”

“Oh, man: that’s great. I am so excited. I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t. Got any ideas?”

“A crow.”

“Doing what?”

“Just kinda hanging out.”


“And a lot of blorange.”

“is that blue and orange?”

“It was blue and orange. Now it’s blorange.”

“Awesome. Oh, there’s two shows, so we’ll need two posters.”

“I’m just gonna make one, twice.”

“Wow. Your uncle recommended you so highly, and I think he might have been underselling you.”

“It’s nice being a Lee.”

“All right, Artistic, get to work.”


  1. Spencer

    I like the crows, Rick Griffin?

    • Thoughts On The Dead

      Beaks look the same.

  2. Tim Lexvold

    nice cawl

    • Thoughts On The Dead

      Your puns are murdering me.

      • tlexvold

        Charles Lamb, a notorious punster, explained that the pun is “a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect.”

        • Thoughts On The Dead

          Lamb said that? Bah.

          • tlexvold

            ewe said it! Nicely played.

  3. smokingleather

    Is this what ewe cawl funny?

    • tlexvold

      I wooled hope so.

  4. tlexvold

    I have to go now before ToTD banishes me to a chat room for tonite’s concert.

  5. SpamJam

    Have we met the most diligent and dogged member of the family yet, Tenacious Lee?

    • tlexvold

      No, just someone who grew up watching (idolizing) the Marx Bros. But I appreciate the compliment.

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