Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Garcia In A Sport Jacket

jerry awful coatWow.

“Hey, guy. I…hold on…haaaaa…okay…gimme a sec…”

You are not living your best life.

“HAAAAummm  HAAAAummm HAummmm.”

Oh my God, is that how it sounds when you breathe?

“No good?”

No good at all. Why are you so out of breath?

“Heavy jacket.”

Oh, buddy.


  1. mrcompletely

    red shirt underneath, hair not crazy long, Tiger, big fella looking extra big


    • Daela

      I have the same tie collection. Can’t remember the last time I wore a tie.

  2. Boogaloo

    Not dark yet
    but its getting there……

  3. RationalExpressions

    Looking at these photos it’s so funny thinking back to the heads who would swear Jerry was signing to them – that he was looking them straight in the eyes and personally serenading them. Drugs.

  4. Buddy Q. Iodine

    this has to be 6/28/85 … blazer was a good look for him, all things considered

  5. Finster

    definitely Hershey ’85

    • Buddy Q. Iodine

      what I said

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