Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Picture Of Health

jerry wax?

The neat thing about this particular photo is that, as you stare at it, it goes from being a picture of Garcia to a picture of Garcia’s wax figure and back.


  1. nickofan77

    Serious question: Did Garcia’s nose grow more bulbous in ’94-95? Anyone else think it seemed to? I think during the last few years of his life, he was snorting heroin more than smoking. His voice became VERY nasal(more than usual) and I’ve seen interviews where he had a nasal dilator on his desk in plain sight. Then again I also read the account of a soundcheck (’95) where everyone but Jerry is onstage running through a tune, as Garcia wanders out, still wearing the showercap he used to keep from burning his hair while “chasing the dragon”. He was so high that he had no idea. I’m not making a joke here. But really: more bulbous in ’94-95?

  2. shkdwnst

    I does much than that tripping as hard as i am at the moment…but i shall lave the lulz to you…

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