Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Sign Your Name

Just about sums it up more than anything I could ever write, dunnit?


  1. Nicole

    I hope he brought his secret Mexican family

  2. occidentalpoppy

    I could never have imagined there was any way to love Phil more – but that just shows what a limited imagination I have.

  3. ste4ve

    Weir crossing out a word? And, what is the crossed out word?

    Priceless. You can’t make it up.

    Well . . . you, Mr. TotD, could.

  4. Carlos

    I think if memory serves phils comment is the name of a sonic youth song from the early daze.

    • Iggy

      Thurston klol and Kim no, Buddy Miles….yes.

  5. Carlos

    I’ll still bet dollars to donuts it’s a sonic youth reference. I don’t think Phil can remember 1968 and miles album. Lots of sonic youth / dead paths crossed influences etc. though. Phil does live in New York.

  6. Luther Von Baconson


    • Luther Von Baconson

      most likely

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