Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Tag: robert klein

Don’t Even Ask Him To Stop His Leg

Fun fact for all you New York kids: Smiling Boy next to Robert Klein is longtime WNEW deejay Dennis Elsas.


Obvious fact: The guy with the beard is from the record company. Any time you see a picture of Rock Stars and there’s a guy with a beard, he’s from the record company.

Temporal non-fact: Y’think it’s 1:13 in the afternoon or morning? (My guess is afternoon; everyone looks sober.)

Used To Play For Silver, Now We Play For Klein

You are just in a Jew sandwich there, aren’t you?

“I’m the meat, yeah. Not ham, though.”

Maybe a nice cold meatloaf on a kaiser roll.

“Sounds good. Bring me that.”

I can’t bring you food.

“Well, you know, man: have you even tried?”


“Give it a whirl. Never know what you’re capable of.”

I don’t even know how that would work, honestly.

“No imagination at all on you.”

I know.

“Shit, now I want a meatloaf sandwich.”

Sorry, buddy.

“Yeah, yeah.”